Thursday, June 13, 2019

Saints And Sinners Pictures And More ..*(updated Nov. 8)*

Saints And Sinners was a nightclub out in Willow Springs near the Des Plaines River and the old I&M Canal.  The club  was tucked  into a little opening in the forest between a haunted cemetery and more forest!  The forest was very nice but the cemetery was not as nice because a ghost named "Resurrection Mary" would be out on Archer Avenue waiting by the side of the road wearing a prom dress...people would give her a ride and she was very quiet and when they got to the cemetery she wanted get out there, and as she appeared to float along she disappeared!  The legend says she had died on prom night!
The first floor had a bar and a dance floor and live music and records.  The second floor had a banquet or party room.  We danced in this room to 45rpm records and one of guys brought his wife who would spin records and work the colored lights by flipping the switches on and off!  And if the girl wasn't there us guys would do music and lights.  It actually worked out pretty well.  The girls just wanted to see us guys and we wanted to put on a good show!  The stage was no more than 9 or 10 feet square, but we were in the audience close up most of the time after about the first five minutes.  Our dressing room was a small washroom a few feet from the stage.  Usually only one or two dancers would be in there at a time.  The others would out of the lighted area sitting down watching the fun or just relaxing.  One guy would be the M.C.  We had some good times at Saints And Sinners.  Lotta girls and a lot were regulars, lotta laughing and a lotta happy screaming!


  1. Do you have an exterior photos of the disco - Saints and Sinners???

  2. Spent the late 70's and early 80's at the club on quarter beer Tuesday nights. Incredible club and crowd. Great dance floor. The house band was Joker. Played everything and played it well. They don't make them like that anymore.
