Thursday, June 6, 2019

Leaving The Crazy Horse Saloon

It was great dancing at the Crazy Horse Saloon but it was time to go home.  I had been living in South Florida for eight or nine months.  I met a lot of wonderful people and had good friends...some buddies and girlfriends!
If I was smart I should have stayed because my magazine cover was all over Miami.  I might have had a good chance for more modeling jobs.  If I could do it over I would've contacted  some agencies.  Dancing was nice but maybe there was something bigger for me.
A while before all the dancing I worked at a health food restaurant in downtown Miami and met a pretty girl named  Stephanie who was a customer.  We ended up going out a couple times and after I mentioned modeling she said I should meet her mother who taught a class in modeling at one of the high schools in the area.  (I had visited and stayed in Miami for weeks and months at a time).  So the next time I left Chicago to go to Florida I ended up in a class at night school with Norma Bryan.  I learned a lot from her and she worked with me on my singing.  I was in two or  three talent and modeling shows and even got a TV commercial!  I was very lucky to know this great lady.
But I started dancing and liked it and I wanted to go back home!
So I did and things worked out OK!
I kept my eyes and ears open and sure enough I was dancing again...this time it was in a club in the SW suburbs of Chicago.
My next job was in Willow Springs at a place called Saints And Sinners! ...SAINTS AND SINNERS!!!

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