Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Crazy Horse Party

One Sunday afternoon there was a party given by guys who worked at the Crazy Horse Saloon.  There were two or three that rented a house near the club. They were a doorman or two, and a waiter or two, or maybe a bouncer.
Anyway it was a small yard party with some of the dancers and some girls who were "regulars".  Some drinks and some food and music!  This lady who liked me named Rae was there and she took some pictures like she did at the beach before (this actually might've happened the same Sunday , but I can't say for sure. But I do notice there's some different people present, it's also possible the beach and the party could've happened on a Saturday because we didn't have to be at the club till 7 or 7:30.  The show started at 8.

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