Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Clubs Where The Bad, Bad Boys Appeared

Starship---Chicago Heights, I'll.
Copa---Evergreen Park, I'll.
Loading Zone---
Poison Apple---New Buffalo, Mich.
Pointe East---
and more

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I Join "Lynn's Bad, Bad Boys"...*(updated Aug. 27)*...

After 3 or 4 months at Saints And Sinners I heard about a new group that was being created.  A girl named Lynn was looking for dancers. I joined.
I was still able to work at Saints & Sinners but not as much.
But The Bad, Bad Boys got more and more work and for a short time I danced 7 days a week (l wished it could've been "Eight Days A Week"!!)
We had a lot of ladies out there in the audience in the night clubs

and had fun doing our shows.

Still More Saints And Sinners: Heavenly Music...*(updated 9-27-2019)*...and (12-15-19)

I met a girl I liked a lot.  Her name was Debbie and she liked me a lot too!
One day I visited her at her house.  She lived near a farm.  We walked through a cornfield to an old silo, open at the top.  We went inside.  There was an echo when we talked.  I knew what I had to do immediately...I hurried back to my van and grabbed my 5 string banjo!  I ran back to the silo and started playing some great music. The echo chamber effect was perfect!  I was in Heaven! It sounded so good!  I wanted to play forever.  .....but my Heavenly music was cut short by an inconvenient visit by a cop!  He said we were on private property and wanted to see identification.  He checked me out and everything was OK but we had to go! He was just doing his job but it kind of spoiled  the mellow mood.  But in a few minutes we were good again!  No harm done!  And I did have a great time visiting my friend Debbie.

Saints And Sinners : Funny Money!...*(updated 9-27 2019)*

Kay was a very loyal fan of my mine!  She was out there in the audience at so many of our shows.  And she always tipped well!  I used to have a stack of ones from her that I kept as souvenirs.  I eventually spent most of them.

Saints And Sinners: Stage, Table, And Floor ...(*update 1-28-20*)

When you're a dancer you can dance all over.  You start out on the stage and do some dancing.  Then about halfway or so into the song you begin to take it off!
You might take off a jacket and dance around some more. Then you might jump off the stage and go into the audience and dance with a girl and have her help you take off your shirt. Or you can slowly unbutton your shirt and slip it off and wave it over your head and fling it into the wild crowd! (Try to watch your stuff and see who gets you can get everything back again....sometimes they want souvenirs! I've actually lost a lotta clothes and things so be careful...One time at the Rose in 1980 I lost a nice scarf a friend had lent me...that mistake cost me $60!!) Tease and be sexy to the music...easy for a guy who likes music and girls!
Shoes, you just kick off!  But can have a girl help pull them off and then you might fall away into a backward somersault!
And then lean back and move with the music!
     Table Diving & Tabletop Body Surfing: This is so much're  down to a T-strap or G-string and sweating by yell to the ladies, "Move your drinks!", and you wave your arms out to the sides.  "Here I come!" start running towards the table from about 15 or 20 feet away and just dive onto the tabletop and slide along with your sweat and the momentum carrying you!  What a blast!  The ladies love it! And this is one of the times in the show they'll be tipping!
I started doing table sliding at Saints And Sinners in 1979.  They had long folding banquet tables placed end to end. A nice long slide!
Table Dancing:  Fun but you have to watch out for wobbly tables!  And of course you don't want to kick any drinks over!  But the ladies are right there and you can get more tips if you come to them.
Floor Work:  I liked to go down into the splits and then roll around and stretch and do pushups  and turn around and do backward bends from a kneeling position ...all to the music!!
Then I always liked to pick a lady out of the audience and dance with her for a while, get right next to her and a little in front but our bodies touching then bend over with my hip stuck out to the right,  the girl goes over just like judo, and I let her down easy and we're both on the floor, I do a couple sexy moves and then I'm up again and pull her up.  I dance her over to her chair and she and her friends are all laughing and had a great time.
...(to be continued)***

Friday, June 14, 2019

Saints And Sinners More Pictures ...*(updated Aug. 30)*...

Some of my favorite songs to dance to: "We Are Family","Super Freak", "Give It To Me Baby".......

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Saints And Sinners Pictures And More ..*(updated Nov. 8)*

Saints And Sinners was a nightclub out in Willow Springs near the Des Plaines River and the old I&M Canal.  The club  was tucked  into a little opening in the forest between a haunted cemetery and more forest!  The forest was very nice but the cemetery was not as nice because a ghost named "Resurrection Mary" would be out on Archer Avenue waiting by the side of the road wearing a prom dress...people would give her a ride and she was very quiet and when they got to the cemetery she wanted get out there, and as she appeared to float along she disappeared!  The legend says she had died on prom night!
The first floor had a bar and a dance floor and live music and records.  The second floor had a banquet or party room.  We danced in this room to 45rpm records and one of guys brought his wife who would spin records and work the colored lights by flipping the switches on and off!  And if the girl wasn't there us guys would do music and lights.  It actually worked out pretty well.  The girls just wanted to see us guys and we wanted to put on a good show!  The stage was no more than 9 or 10 feet square, but we were in the audience close up most of the time after about the first five minutes.  Our dressing room was a small washroom a few feet from the stage.  Usually only one or two dancers would be in there at a time.  The others would out of the lighted area sitting down watching the fun or just relaxing.  One guy would be the M.C.  We had some good times at Saints And Sinners.  Lotta girls and a lot were regulars, lotta laughing and a lotta happy screaming!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Hurrying In The Rain To Get To Saints and Sinners I Crash The Car!

After a nice trip north in my van I was home.  I spent some time with my family and friends and did the usual summer stuff. I some how found out about Saints And Sinners and made plans to work there, but on the way to meet with someone from the club I skidded in the rain and hit a traffic light as I started to turn right.  The lower part of the light had a some damage but my van was smashed on the right corner.  So anyway dancing was not happening for awhile.  Of course I was disappointed,  but after three weeks or so everything was back to normal and I got the job.

Leaving The Crazy Horse Saloon

It was great dancing at the Crazy Horse Saloon but it was time to go home.  I had been living in South Florida for eight or nine months.  I met a lot of wonderful people and had good friends...some buddies and girlfriends!
If I was smart I should have stayed because my magazine cover was all over Miami.  I might have had a good chance for more modeling jobs.  If I could do it over I would've contacted  some agencies.  Dancing was nice but maybe there was something bigger for me.
A while before all the dancing I worked at a health food restaurant in downtown Miami and met a pretty girl named  Stephanie who was a customer.  We ended up going out a couple times and after I mentioned modeling she said I should meet her mother who taught a class in modeling at one of the high schools in the area.  (I had visited and stayed in Miami for weeks and months at a time).  So the next time I left Chicago to go to Florida I ended up in a class at night school with Norma Bryan.  I learned a lot from her and she worked with me on my singing.  I was in two or  three talent and modeling shows and even got a TV commercial!  I was very lucky to know this great lady.
But I started dancing and liked it and I wanted to go back home!
So I did and things worked out OK!
I kept my eyes and ears open and sure enough I was dancing again...this time it was in a club in the SW suburbs of Chicago.
My next job was in Willow Springs at a place called Saints And Sinners! ...SAINTS AND SINNERS!!!

Crazy Horse...Free $$$!!!

I had to take a day or two to go to Memphis to help a friend with a legal matter.
I had a free ticket waiting for me at the airport and I flew north. I took care of business and was going to fly back.  I got to where I was supposed to board the plane.  I was cutting it close, but I guess too close, because they told the plane was filled and I'd have to take the next flight!  Darn!  But they told they'd compensate me.  Oh?!  They gave me a little over 200 bucks!!
So I went outside and walked around and waited for a couple hours.  When I came back I decided to be the last in line to see if I could double my winnings!
BINGO!  It happened again!  Over $200 more!  A little over $400 free and legal!  I'm an honest guy and just was last in line twice and got lucky twice.
So I waited again and took the next jet and had a very, very nice flight back to Miami!  I was a very happy guy!
And now back to the Crazy Horse..."back to the grind".
..or in my case, back to the "Bump and Grind"!!

Crazy Horse...Bob Dylan Concert

I'm a huge fan of Bob Dylan, so in late 1978 I took a few hours off from the club to go to a concert about 20 miles away.  I had a real good time.  I had been to a few Bob Dylan shows before.  I even called my buddy Jim in Iowa to kind of share the experience with him. I must been on that payphone  for 45 minutes  at least.We went many concerts and rock festivals together with girlfriends, wives,  and other guys in the old days. ...And when I got back around 1am, I wore my new souvenir Bob Dylan t-shirt as part of my dance costume!

Magazines, Newspapers, Etcetera