Friday, July 19, 2024

Return To Crazy Horse Saloon

        In about 1985 I went to Florida with my girlfriend Valerie Craft Miss Nude America who I had dated since May 1984.  She said she wanted to work in Miami and Miami Beach for two weeks and would need some help.  So I agreed even though "Kings Of Hearts" was busy dancing in nightclubs, bars, and parties.  Dave, Ron, and Bill could handle things while I was away. Plus dancers, like Rocky, Mike, and others were available.
        Valerie and I took plane down and got a room with an ocean view in a hotel in the South Beach area of Miami Beach. We had a good swim and a lot of sun before we went over to the Gayety Theater, nearby, to start a week of shows there, and a week at the Pussycat on Biscayne Blvd in Miami.
.....(to be continued).....


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