Saturday, June 20, 2020

I Tried To Lift Two Girls At Once

 I had so much fun on the stage doing my act. I had a lot of energy.  Sometimes I felt so sure of my self, I got carried away trying to do a great show. 

I would grab a lady from the audience and dance with her, then another, and another. Sometimes I would have her unbutton my shirt. Sometimes I would lift her up and and dance around put her down, and sometimes all the way down to the floor!

One time I tried to lift two girls at once and though I think it looked OK to the audience, I hurt myself...Ouch!  I don't remember exactly but when I brought them down to the floor, or we sort of fell down, I think I either hurt my back! or my knee! (it was 40 years ago, my memory is a little foggy)... anyway I was sore for a couple days.... but I never did that again! 

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