Sunday, May 10, 2020

Valerie And I Almost Freeze In A Joe Pesci Movie

In 1991 they were filming a Joe Pesci movie called Public Eye in Chicago.  Valerie and I were extras.  We nearly froze because it was night time and very cold.  We also weren't dressed warmly.  As we got colder and colder the filming went on and on. My shoes were dress shoes and I had on thin socks.  Valerie had some kind of shoe that wasn't keeping her warm.  She was almost going to just leave in a few more minutes.  Those scenes could go on for a while because of retakes and changes of the camera angles.  Joe Pesci's character was supposed to walk along and then get in a car ( or just the opposite of that!).
Finally the scene was over...but we were freezing!.....(more....)

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