Thursday, January 2, 2020

I've Always Liked Girls! + More Photos

Being a Male Dancer was a perfect job for a guy who really likes girls.  When I was very young I liked girls.  When I was 4 or 5 I liked my babysitter.  She was much older of course!
And in 2nd grade I was in Love!

In 4th or 5th and 6th grade 2 or 3 more times, 7th love again and still loved this one girl in 8th grade!
In HS...some love, and a lot of likeing.
College...1, 2, 3 loves,+3 more (the last became my wife for 9 years)!
And later....more love and affection at various jobs.....  I worked at the Post Office for almost 4 years.  Then I was a artists' model for colleges and universities all over the Chicago area also down in Miami too for almost 4 years.
Then I became a Male favorite job....12- 13 years!
While I was still dancing I met Valerie who was a dancer: Ballet and Stripping for about 30 years!!
And now I'm settled down and happy to have been with my Darling Valerie for 35 and a half years!
But I still have fond memories of earlier times!
(Photos: Bartczak)

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