Sunday, July 21, 2019

She Flew Me To Ohio...*(Updated Aug. 14)*

I don't know where I met this girl but she liked me.  She owned a club in Ohio and she wanted me to dance there.  She said she  was going to get me an interview on TV or radio and there would be a crowd at her club.  She flew me out there.
The club wasn't very crowded at all.  There was no interview, no TV, no radio, nothing much.  I complained.  She said nothing was for sure.  I should be grateful I was flown to Ohio for a job and got decent pay.  I was upset then but now I realize it was all OK.  I was treated well.  I had just got to feeling I was some kind of star or something.  I feel now I was very lucky to have fallen into a great job and got to meet all the wonderful people and to have a lot of very good memories of those dance years!

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