Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Flip And A Crash At The Crazy Horse Saloon

There was this new guy who started working. His name was Michael.  He was a pretty good dancer.  Everything was OK for a while, but he wanted to do something special and decided to add a backflip to his act.  I can't remember if he did a good flip or two and then it didn't work so well or it turned ugly right away....but I was in the dressing room and heard a loud crash.  Michael had flipped too hard and was headed for a hard landing.  Some how he didn't hit the floor but leaped over the narrow aisle around the square upraised stage and hit the mirrored wall.  Well, Helene the bartender was in the bar on the other side of the wall and a bunch of bottles fell and almost hit her.  There was a lot of broken glass and a lot of liquor gone.
Stan was really mad and fired Michael.
A day or two later Michael was back...the boss forgave him but said it would come out of his paycheck!

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