Sunday, January 13, 2019

Some Memories Of The Crazy Horse...Visiting The Mountain Lion

Several of us guys and some of our girlfriends went to one of Felix's friend's house out in the country.  He had some land and a nice house with a swimming pool, but the reason we went out there was to see his pet mountain lion.  He was a real big one!  He lived in a very large cage outside that probably extended into the house.  I forgot his name but I thought he was somewhat tame, at least towards his owner.  It was a fun day.
Felix's friend also had a swimming pool and some the half dozen or so guests had a nice swim and did some diving off the diving board!  On this picture I'm getting ready to do a perfect dive... (I hope!)
After seeing the mountain lion, swimming, and a light lunch, we left and I took my date home and spent a nice evening with her.

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