Monday, October 22, 2018

Roger Houston On The Cover Of Miami Magazine!!!

One night I was dancing at the Crazy Horse and I had something great happen to me!  This girl came up to me after my show and said she saw me onstage and she decided I was the one she wanted for a photo shoot.  Her name was Linda and she worked for Miami Magazine.  They were doing a story about singles and dating.  Anyway she wanted me for the cover and an inside picture.  Of course I said YES!
So I met her and a photographer and four attractive young ladies the next day at Kennedy Park and had some pictures taken.  Had fun!
Soon after the magazine was out.  I remember  going to Winn-Dixie and seeing my picture at all the checkout counter magazine racks...what a trip!

My 1st magazine cover 
& the inside  picture 

Lynyrd Skynyrd Band Member Does A "Guest Dance"!!

I don't remember much but one of the guys from the band comes into the club.  He might have known somebody or was next door watching the girls and wandered over!?...anyway he ends up doing a guest dance.  He was on the stage but I don't  remember what songs he danced to or anything but he didn't strip all the way like we did and then afterwards he says he gives us a lot of wasn't that easy to get up there and dance like that!

The Bee Gees Visit The Crazy Horse!

One night the Bee Gees came to the Crazy Horse Saloon!  I think they were recording at Criteria Studios nearby and were living in Miami Beach. They were sitting on the south side of the room with their wives or girlfriends.  Just two of the group were there but that was good enough for us!  I don't remember if anyone else was with them.  Some or most of the guys danced to at least one of their songs.  I danced to "Night Fever".  It was great!  Felix ("The Cat")/("The Italian Stallion") went over to talk to the Bee Gees but they weren't that friendly...he came back and was kind of unhappy! Later the Bee Gees had to use the men's room and I was two or three feet from them in our narrow hallway!  They looked kinda tall or maybe I was psyched out because they were such big stars!

Songs I Used To Dance To

Songs I used to dance to at the Crazy Horse Saloon (late 1978 to mid-1979, about 6 months.

"Got To Be Real"...Cheryl Lynn
"Night Fever"...Bee Gees
"Hot Child In The City"...Nick Guilder
"Boogie Oogie Oogie"...Taste Of Honey
"Magnet and Steel"...Walter Egan
"Used To Be My Girl"...O'Jays
"Shadow Dancing"...Andy Gibb
"Champagne Jam"...Atlanta Rhythm Section
"Miss You"...Rolling Stones

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Our Club Crazy Horse

We had a small dressing room and we just found a place to hang our coat hangers or garment bags.  I never had anything special for the stage in the six months I was at the Crazy Horse.  I just had a suit or two.
There were, I think, 8 or 10 dancers and although the room was small, it didn't matter, because we could go out and visit with the girls as they watched the show.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The stage at the Crazy Horse Saloon was about 12x12 with 3 or 4 stairs going up to it.  There were colored lights underneath it that flashed and 4 or 5 chairs on each of the four sides.  There was a narrow place all around for the ladies' drinks.
There were some mirrors on the walls and tables and chairs and the bar on one side where the waiters would get the drinks.
The room was just big enough and the sound system was good.
On the South side of the building with another entrance was the room where the girls danced.
On 3 or 4 sides of the building was a gravel covered parking lot.  Biscayne Blvd. ran along the East side.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

It was great working at the Crazy Horse Saloon!
First of all I liked the fact that the club was named after the famous "Le Crazy Horse Saloon" in Paris.  It was opened in 1951 by Alain Bernadin.  I remember when I was much younger, hearing or reading about the club.
Second, it was great to be working in South Florida.
Third, I was in "show business"! And I liked dancing and singing!
Fourth, I liked Girls!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Taken by a lady named Rae who I met at The Crazy Horse Saloon

Monday, August 6, 2018

Crazy Horse Saloon

I was lucky to get a dancing job at the Crazy Horse Saloon in South Florida.  I got into the business at the beginning of male stripping. I was 33 years old and on a kind of a long vacation.  I had my van so where ever I parked I was comfortable.
I started work at the club around 8 and finished about 4 am, 5 or so Fri. and Sat.
I think I did about 4 to 6 sets a night, 3 songs off the jukebox per set. I can't remember if we worked 6 or 7 nights a week.
I was at the Crazy Horse for about 6 months.
I really enjoyed my time there.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Roger In The Park At The Bluegrass Concert

The only other problem when I started dancing was I got a bit distracted by the audience.  I was not used to dancing for people and also was not sure of my dance moves.  I solved the problem by always choosing music I really liked or loved and then I would close my eyes and concentrate on the music.  It body moved to the music. I closed my eyes often at first and later not as much. Then soon I could look at the ladies and put on a good show!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Roger Houston: A Day In The Country

I went to the forest preserves with my girlfriend and my buddy from our dance group and his wife.
We had a little picnic and got some sun and fresh air.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Beginning Of My Dancing Career

When I started dancing I didn't worry about the no clothes part because I was used to that from being an artist's model for 3 or 4 years.  But I wasn't sure about my dancing.  I  didn't dance that great either.   I was OK.  I did like music a lot so I figured I'd be just fine.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

How I Started Dancing

In 1978 I was in Florida modeling for art classes at schools and art groups.  I was working at Miami-Dade College and was waiting for one class to finish up and mine to start.  The model was still around and was talking to someone.  I overheard him saying he just got this job as a dancer at a night club.  I asked him about it. He said it was a club in North Miami Beach and it was hiring.  I got the name and address and the next day was there auditioning.  I got the job and started dancing the next night!  Goodbye art schools, Hello Ladies!  I now was a dancer at the Crazy Horse Saloon!