Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Saints & Sinners

Saints & Sinners was the next night club I worked in regularly.  I worked two days, then three or four days a week for months, then when I joined Lynn's Bad, Bad Boys, I didn't work at Saints & Sinners as much.  
The room on the second floor was perfect for the shows.  The small carpeted low stage was nice to dance on.  
The lighting and music were controlled by flipping switches and changing 45rpm records.  The dancers would take turns doing this.  Sometimes Ron (the dancer's) wife would take over.
Saints & Sinners was great!

Monday, March 6, 2023

David Stark/Kings Of Hearts

 Dave was the guy who started the group.  He thought of the name, "Kings Of Hearts", and the heart, arrow and crown design for business cards. 
The Rose, where we danced was closed, suddenly, about a month or two earlier!  So Dave really came through for us!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

David Stark RIP

 Dave with Judy Tenuta at the Rose nightclub 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Working With Valerie Craft At The Admiral Theater

 Miss Nude America 1971--Valerie Craft.

I worked with Valerie for several years in theaters, bachelor parties, at her art gallery, her TV show and we were a couple also.  My dance career was slowing down, so I had more time to spend helping Valerie. We've been together since 1984.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Monday, January 23, 2023

Kings Of Hearts


Felix, The Italian Stallion

 I recently found out Felix, the Italian Stallion passed away. Nice guy and a good friend.  He put on a good show and the girls were crazy about him. Felix also was the original Magic Mike!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Crazy Horse Saloon Dancers

 Neal,?, Frank, Felix, Roger, Jack

Saints And Sinners Dancers

 Roger, Chris, Ron, Tony, Donato

I think there were 2 or 3 other guys working at one time or another.  I can't remember.  And one time there was a special night when more dancers worked.  But 4 or 5 dancers were there most of the time.