Tuesday, December 13, 2022

My First Costume

 When I first started dancing I wore this three piece suit as a costume.  It was tailor-made for me in 1972.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Valerie Craft Is Crowned Miss Nude America

 1971: Valerie Craft wins the Miss Nude America contest at Naked City.  I met Valerie 13 years later and we're still together after 38 and a half years!  I'm a happy, happy guy!

Me Today


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Kiss From Miss Nude America!

Miss Nude America 1971,
Valerie Craft, and Roger Houston... 38 & 1/2 wonderful years!  (Photo: mid to late 1980's)



Friday, November 11, 2022

My Backyard Office

 Club dates, bachelorette parties, I handled it all and got some sun and fresh air too!

I had a 30 ft phone cord so I could get way out in the yard

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Judy Tenuta

Today my friend Ron called and told me Judy Tenuta passed away.

We worked with Judy at the Rose night club in 1980.  All the guys and Judy would hang out together in the large dressing room. We had some good times back then... seems like just yesterday!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


 I don't remember when it started, but I began rubbing a drop or two of patchouli oil on me before I ran out from the dressing room to the stage.  I loved the smell of patchouli all the way back to 60's with all the incense and candles and psychedelic music! And I still do!

Monday, January 31, 2022

Hung Jury

 We had to start the show at 9 and I was stuck in Chicago with jury duty.  Ron, my friend in the dance group was going to pick me up at the Picasso sculpture around 7:30 (I think?), when I was sure I would be done for the day.  Then we would drive to the night club about 20 or 30 miles away.  

I couldn't believe it but the jury was still trying to decide....guilty or not guilty, and it was getting later and later..................                                              *to be continued*

Monday, January 10, 2022

"Slippin' An' A Slidin' ".

 Soon after I started dancing at the Crazy Horse Saloon my dancing improved.  Some of it was just because I was dancing so much (working six days a week at the club).  But one of the reasons, and it made a big difference!... was... I was able to slip and slide on the dance floor.  Now, I don't mean I moved like James Brown or something, but I was slippin' an a slidin' on the stage!    

I can't remember how it started, but I began using baby powder in my shoes so they would slip off easily.  And I started throwing a handful of powder on the dance floor...so now I could slip and slide and spin around all I wanted!