Saturday, October 30, 2021

I CrashThrough The Barrel I Danced On!! Mid-80's Night Club (part 2)

 I was dancing at a nightclub in Niles, Illinois on Milwaukee Ave. The audience was small but lively.  I always tried to put on a good show for the ladies so when I saw these big wooden barrels I thought I'd get up on top and dance just like I'd dance on tables and chairs and whatever was available besides just a stage or dance floor.  It was great for awhile but then the wood broke and I crashed right through the barrel down to the ground but I was OK because I kept my arms near my body and I didn't hit the sides of the big barrel on the way down!  Whew! that was a close one!! 

Monday, October 11, 2021

"There's No Business Like Show Business"!

 I never even dreamed I would be a male stripper!  I didn't have to go to any school or anything...I just started dancing and got better as I went along.  I didn't have to spend much on costumes either. natural looks were OK, and I had worked out for a number of years with weights and liked to swim and bike ride, so I was physically least good enough for the girls to want to watch me do my act!