Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Beginning Of My Dancing Career

When I started dancing I didn't worry about the no clothes part because I was used to that from being an artist's model for 3 or 4 years.  But I wasn't sure about my dancing.  I  didn't dance that great either.   I was OK.  I did like music a lot so I figured I'd be just fine.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

How I Started Dancing

In 1978 I was in Florida modeling for art classes at schools and art groups.  I was working at Miami-Dade College and was waiting for one class to finish up and mine to start.  The model was still around and was talking to someone.  I overheard him saying he just got this job as a dancer at a night club.  I asked him about it. He said it was a club in North Miami Beach and it was hiring.  I got the name and address and the next day was there auditioning.  I got the job and started dancing the next night!  Goodbye art schools, Hello Ladies!  I now was a dancer at the Crazy Horse Saloon!